The Rayglass 4000 has become a bit of a cult vessel since it was discontinued. We’re not surprised - it’s the biggest legend we’ve ever built, with room for sleeping seven people, a luxurious interior layout and a vast deck. It’s the ultimate luxury entertainer and overnighter. 

That’s why the entire Rayglass team (and especially Premium Restoration Manager Tim Tsoumas) were excited when we got an email from a client who’d just bought a second hand 4000 - Southern Cross. 

Things escalated a little

The owner, a farmer from Taupo, had bought Southern Cross from a seller who’d been using it as a fishing charter. At first the owner just wanted to tidy up the teak but after visiting Rayglass and seeing photos of another 4000 the team had worked on, things escalated a little. The project turned into an extensive refurbishment:

“He [the 4000 owner] was an absolute legend. He came up to Auckland several times. We got talking about what he liked about his friend’s boats and what he wanted to do,” Tim said.

“He showed me photos of a Riviera next to his empty Rayglass 4000 and everyone’s on the back of the Riviera sitting on a massive L-shaped couch having a few drinks. So we thought, why don’t we make his boat like that?”

When Tim got back to the workshop he got the masking tape out and started laying out the outdoor lounge area. The boys in the workshop were looking at him like he was mad, but Tim was on a roll. The end result is a complete transformation. The bait and chilly bin are gone to create a larger back deck with an L shaped couch and a BBQ pushed right to the back of the transom. The new space is perfect for entertaining:

“The next summer I got a photo from the owner next to the Riviera again and the Riviera’s empty and everyone’s sitting in the back of the Rayglass with a beer.”

Like a brand new boat

After months of work Southern Cross looked like a different vessel. She had new carpet, new upholstery, a custom dash with new fusion electronics and cabin strip lighting. The graphics got an update and we installed stainless guard rails around the transom, plus a new teak table, a bow sun lounger, and a chilly bin that sits almost over the water so you can chuck your fish right in:

“It’s such a neat project. The end result is just incredible. When I’ve spoken to the owner about it he’s just absolutely fizzing. In fact, he loved the process so much he’s sent us a 2150 to refurbish and we’ve just completed that too.”

When the vessel was almost done the owner came up from Taupo to have a look and Tim rolled out the red carpet. The 4000 was waiting on the marina ready to go out:

“He took her out and while he was out there we dropped everything and gave his truck an inside and out clean then popped the refurbished 2150 on the back. When he got back he was fizzing over the 4000 then got even more excited when he saw his truck all clean with a boat ready to tow home.”

“We also added a little surprise to the 4000. We know the owner likes a gin and tonic, so we added a gin draw stocked with new glasses, and a couple bottles for him.”

The ultimate entertainer

Tim absolutely loves what he does and he gets excited about every boat he works on. But every now and then a boat comes along that’s a little special:

“I think this is one of my favourites. I get pretty attached to these boats. The hardest part is letting it go, they become part of the furniture in the shop.”

“This boat is awesome. Just to sit in the sun in that back area. Having a chat around the table, kids swimming out the back with the barbeque going, what a dream.”

Southern Cross has been gone for several months now, and while Tim’s still pining his loss, it sounds like the owner and his family are making great use of it:

“It’s a real social boat. They go out into the bay and raft up with a big group of boats. In the photos he’s sent me it looks like the 4000 is a focal point. That’s probably because he’s a great host, but also because of the layout of the boat. It’s designed to sit out there with your mates, with the barbeque going and have an evening out on the water.”

Tim’s kept in touch with the owner and gets the odd photo or video of him enjoying the boat, which he loves to see:

“He’s a great guy to deal with. I love what I do. I look at projects like this and think how cool it is that I get to do this.”

Like the look of Southern Cross? Get in touch with Tim and the team at Rayglass Premium Restoration to have a chat about how they could transform your vessel too.

To view more images of Southern Cross click here

View More images of Southern Cross

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